
The operator of the online store is the company Organic Oasis SK s.r.o.


Company headquarters address:

Organic Oasis SK s.r.o.

Bronze 2

85110 Bratislava

Slovak republic


Record in OR: District Court Bratislava I

Department Sro, insert number: 83373/B


ID: 46787909

VAT number: 2023579613

VAT number: SK2023579613

The company Organic Oasis SK s.r.o. is a VAT payer.


All prices in our store are contractual, include VAT and are final.


Supervisory body: Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI)

SOI Inspectorate for the Bratislava region

Prievozská 32, 827 99 Bratislava 27


You can contact us by e-mail, by phone at the listed contacts or by filling out the form, see below:

e-mail: (non-stop)

phone: +421 907 831 777 (Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 16:00)


Do you have any questions? We'll answer them. Please fill out your contact details carefully.

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